- Harris County Extension Horticulture gardening publications.
- Harris County Vegetable Planting Chart ***
- Earth-Kind is the Texas A&M Horticulture guide to conserving water and other resources in the landscape.
- Aggie Horticulture ***
- Fire Ant Control – Texas A&M AgriLife Extension 2-Step Method
- Herbs for Texas Landscapes
- Wildflowers in Bloom a Texas A&M site that has lots of bright color pictures of wildflowers!
- USDA Hardiness Zone map – What zone are you in? Click here for a color map!
Building a Garden
- Starting a School Garden Fact Sheet – AgriLife Extension
- Raised Garden Beds
Education Resources:
- Condensed Teacher Guide_Materials
- Teacher’s Guide and Instructions
- Supplemental Activities_Teachers Guide
- Paper Towel Seed procedures
- Vegetable Seed Information Chart
Gardening with Kids
- Aggie Horticulture Just for Kids
- Kids Gardening A National Gardening Association resource – “Helping Young Minds GROW”
- Composting for Kids this site teaches kids how to compost.
- The Great Plant Escape is a game to unlock the amazing mysteries of plant life.
- The Adventures of Herman this site helps understand more about worms.
Grant Opportunities
- The Urban Schools Agriculture Grant Program: ***For urban elementary and middle public school students. The program helps improve students’ understanding of agriculture through projects. It provides up to $2,500 each.
- Kids Gardening Youth Garden Grants: ***Through NGA’s “Youth Garden Grants Program,” school and community youth gardens nationwide are annually awarded tools, seeds, educational materials, and garden products to initiate or sustain a gardening program.
- USDA – steps to a healthier you.
- Insect-themed Food! a University of Kentucky site that gives you recipes for insect-themed recipes (no insects are eaten).
Organizations of Interest
- Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service – find out more about the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the many programs and services offered.
- Harris County Master Gardeners – The volunteer arm of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s horticulture program
- Junior Master Gardeners ***JMG is a program for youth of all ages that uses fun activities to teach horticulture and environmental science concepts.
- Texas 4-H – to learn more about Texas 4-H programs click here.
- The National 4-H Web-site – to learn about 4-H programs at the national level, visit this site.
- National Junior Horticultural Association (NJHA) dedicated solely to youth and horticulture programs.
Curriculum and Learning
- Junior Master Gardeners *** JMG (includes Learn, Grow, Eat & Go Program) is a program for youth of all ages that uses fun activities to teach horticulture and environmental science concepts.
- KinderGarden An introduction to the many ways children can interact with plants and the outdoors.
- Fastplants See how fast plants grow to full size.
- The Botanical Research Institute of Texas has developed a series of curriculum materials for elementary aged children called “Relationships” that shows children the role of plants in the earth’s life support system.
- Just For Kids is a US Forest Service committed to connecting kids with nature and the outdoors.
- Cornell Garden Based Learning