Cylinder Gardening Youth Gardening Links


Building a Garden

Education Resources:

Gardening with Kids

Grant Opportunities

  • The Urban Schools Agriculture Grant Program: ***For urban elementary and middle public school students. The program helps improve students’ understanding of agriculture through projects. It provides up to $2,500 each.
  • Kids Gardening  Youth Garden Grants:  ***Through NGA’s “Youth Garden Grants Program,” school and community youth gardens nationwide are annually awarded tools, seeds, educational materials, and garden products to initiate or sustain a gardening program.


Organizations of Interest

Curriculum and Learning

  • Junior Master Gardeners  *** JMG (includes Learn, Grow, Eat & Go Program) is a program for youth of all ages that uses fun activities to teach horticulture and environmental science concepts.
  • KinderGarden  An introduction to the many ways children can interact with plants and the outdoors.
  • Fastplants  See how fast plants grow to full size.
  • The Botanical Research Institute of Texas  has developed a series of curriculum materials for elementary aged children called “Relationships” that shows children the role of plants in the earth’s life support system.
  • Just For Kids  is a US Forest Service committed to connecting kids with nature and the outdoors.
  • Cornell Garden Based Learning

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